Tele-Interviewing for Your Insurance Application

What is Tele-Interviewing?

We have selected a provider who we think will be a good fit for your insurance needs and have booked you in for a Tele-interview. This phone conversation is a convenient way to complete the medical and financial questions required for your life insurance application over the phone with a specially trained health consultant. You can choose the time and place most convenient for you — in the comfort of your own home, at your workplace, or wherever you have your phone.

Your free financial health check:

The Process

You’ve come this far, let’s help move you forwards.
You’ve come this far, let’s help move you forwards.
You’ve come this far, let’s help move you forwards.


Tele-Interview Checklist

To ensure a smooth Tele-interview process, please have the following information ready:

1. Personal Details

– Full name
– Date of birth
– Residential address
– Contact number(s)
– Email address
– Occupation and employer details

2. Medical History

– Name and contact details of your general practitioner (GP)
– Details of any past or present medical conditions, including dates, treatments, and outcomes
– Details of any medications you are currently taking, including dosage and frequency
– Details of any surgeries or hospitalisations, including dates and reasons
– Family medical history, including any hereditary conditions

3. Lifestyle Information

– Smoking status and history
– Alcohol consumption (frequency and average amount)
– Recreational drug use (if applicable)
– Exercise habits and frequency
– Hobbies and pastimes, especially any high-risk activities (e.g., skydiving, rock climbing)

4. Financial Information

– Smoking status and history
– Alcohol consumption (frequency and average amount)
– Recreational drug use (if applicable)
– Exercise habits and frequency
– Hobbies and pastimes, especially any high-risk activities (e.g., skydiving, rock climbing)

5. Identification

– Driver’s licence number
– Passport number (if applicable)

Having this information readily available will help the Tele-interview process go smoothly and efficiently.

Your Duty of Disclosure

When applying for insurance, you have a legal duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the insurer. This means providing truthful, accurate, and complete answers to the questions asked. Failing to meet this duty can have serious consequences, such as your cover being avoided or a claim being declined.


Wealthlab and your insurance provider is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). For a more detailed explanation of their privacy policy, it will be emailed to you prior to your call. You can also contact us at if you have any further questions.

For more information, please refer to the Wealthlab FSG or the Protection Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) sent to you by the relevant insurance provider.